Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Post Baby Happy Pill

First of all, I just have to say that this is by far the strangest thing that I will ever blog about.  I am actually slightly embarrassed to post this on the internet for the entire world to read, but I believe that it is a noteworthy subject.  So here it goes (eek!)...I encapsulated and ingested my placenta after giving birth.  Writing that down looks even more strange than it sounded in my head, but it is actually a rather normal practice in many parts of the world.  Placentophagy (the scientific term for ingesting placenta postpartum) has its basis in Traditional Chinese Medicine dating back to the 1500s, however, it was not until the 1980s that it was brought to the US.  In recent years, January Jones and Holly Madison are two celebrities who have admitted to partaking in the trend, bringing it to the public eye.

I found out about Placentophagy from my Bradley Childbirth Instructor.  Initially, I had the same reaction as I am sure most people are having while reading this...disgust.  Knowing that I shouldn't "knock" something that I know nothing about, I did some research.  For those who don't know, the placenta is an organ in the uterus that nourishes the fetus during pregnancy.  This organ contains:
          • Stem cells & Growth Factors
          • Iron
          • Vitamins B6 & E
          • Oxytocin Hormones (facilitates birth & breastfeeding)
          • Corticotropin-releasing hormone (reduces stress)
          • Cytokins (help heal and replace damaged cells/tissue)
After I read about the nutrients contained in the placenta, I realized that many of the symptoms from which women suffer postpartum could be helped by the properties contained in this organ.  Iron, Vitamins B6 & E, & Cytokins all help with the blood loss and recovery of the body after giving birth.  Oxytocin and Corticotropin help with mood swings as well as helping to establish a plentiful milk supply.  These along with increasing energy are just a few of the benefits experienced by most mothers.  The practice really "clicked" with me when I remembered that humans are actually in the small minority of mammals who do not eat their placenta after birth.

I decided that I was all in (although only a handful of people knew this until now!), but I was definitely not brave enough to handle doing any of this myself.  I wanted someone else to take it, freeze dry it, grind it, encapsulate it, and give it back to me looking like a vitamin (so that I didn't have to think about what it actually was).  I found a few providers in my area and chose the least expensive option.  Three days after Kennedy was born, my husband picked up my "Post Baby Happy Pills" and I proceeded to ingest them as prescribed for about two months until they were all gone.

Were they the "wonder pills" that I researched?  I am not totally sure.  I only have one baby and have only experienced one postpartum period, so I cannot provide an empirical study.  I can say that I was not as physically drained as I imagined.  I had no issues with low milk supply and had a decent amount of extra to create a "reserve."  Most importantly, I was not completely nuts in the weeks following birth...just a tad more weepy (My husband did agree with this statement before I wrote it...As a woman I know that I can drastically underestimate how my hormones affect me at times!).  Bottom line is that I would definitely do it again.  My philosophy is that there is nothing to lose by taking them but there could be a lot to gain.

A helpful piece of advice: If you decide to save your placenta for later use, you will need to notify your Doctor or Midwife before you go into labor.  The placenta is usually thrown away, so everyone involved in delivery will need to be informed and reminded often!  Most Midwives are aware of this practice, however, many Doctors are skeptical and uneducated on the matter (In my opinion, they are typically skeptical because they are uneducated on the practice and it is out of their routine...which many do not like).

You can visit http://placentabenefits.info/index.asp, for more information on the subject.

If you have any experience with Placentophagy, I would love to know your thoughts in a comment below!

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛
Price: Depends on provider and location, I paid $200


  1. Have heard more and more about this. Very interesting. Not sure how I feel about doing it for myself but am glad you seemed to have a better postpartum experience because of them. Pill-form makes it easier to consider... and if you think about it, people ingest things/drugs that have GOT to be horribly terrible in comparison. What could it hurt, you know?

  2. I wanted to do this, but Kingwood doesn't allow removal of the placenta. Some legal mumbo-jumbo about medical waste. All the nurses I talked to, and even my doctor don't really get it, because basically it's the mother's organ, so why can't she do what she wants with it? Anyway, I know a number of ladies that have done this, and many more than want to do it. I was VERY lucky and had a smooth post-partum experience, but it was a concern for both me and my husband. I only had one weepy episode, over a random email out of nowhere, and consider my self extremely fortunate to have had such an easy time. If we decide to have another baby, I may find another place to deliver so that I can try it out!

    1. I heard about some hospitals not allowing this and I totally agree that it is ridiculous! Before I switched to a midwife, I planned on delivering with an OBGYN (up to 30 weeks!), but she was not very supportive of a lot of my decisions (including placenta pills...she had never heard of them before). In my opinion, many doctors and hospitals are afraid of change and "newness," and they do not like the patient to make decisions for themselves. I am so glad that you had an easy postpartum. Having had some anxiety/depression issues in my past, I was really worried about the "baby blues" and I think that the pills helped me. I would recommend trying it if you have another one in the future :)!
