Monday, April 15, 2013

"Don't worry, I'm a Certified Bradley Coach" and other tips on Childbirth Classes

What is there to learn about childbirth?  You go to the hospital, pop out a baby, and bring it home... it isn't rocket science, right?  Actually, it is pretty in depth these days due to (what I like to call) the "hospitalization" of L&D (Labor & Delivery).  I have always strived to be an informed patient; knowing exactly what benefits and risks are associated with every even seemingly routine medical task.  In order to be well informed during your pregnancy, labor, & delivery I would highly recommend taking childbirth classes (specifically Bradley Method Classes!).

There are several different methods or techniques that are offered and many instructors use a combination of these.  The top three methods taught currently are:
  • Lamaze
    • Lamaze is the most popular and widely available type of birth class in the United States, and many hospitals offer them year round.  The classes focus on natural childbirth and are usually done in 5-6 class periods, or some may be offered over a weekend.  This method is famous for the classic "Hee-Hee-Who" breathing that is associated with labor.  Many believe, however, that this type of breathing acts as only a distraction from pain and is not beneficial to the mother or baby.
  • Bradley
    • The Bradley Method began with Dr. Robert Bradley in 1965 and also focuses on natural childbirth.  These classes center around "Husband-Coached" childbirth and really involves your significant other in the process of L&D.  More on this below!
  • Hypnobirthing
    • This method uses the practice of hypnosis for pain management during labor.  The Hypnobabies program states that "70% of women who use their program while pregnant experience a pain-free childbirth."  During the program, expectant mothers are highly encouraged to practice self-hynosis daily to prepare for L&D.  These classes are gaining much popularity in recent years and may be something I check into *if* there is a next baby!
As I said above, Cameron and I attended Bradley Method classes and I highly recommend them.  Bradley classes require a lot of time commitment (typically instructors teach one class per week for twelve weeks) however, I left feeling extremely informed and do not feel that the subject material could be covered in a shorter period.  During our not-so-crash course about childbirth, we learned all labor interventions and their subsequent risks, proper diet and exercise for a low risk delivery (and healthy baby!), pain management techniques, and all other "lingo" associated with the process.  I learned a lot, but I think the classes were most helpful to Cameron, who had not done any previous research on the subject.  Unlike most birth classes, I recommend taking Bradley early in pregnancy so that the nutrition and exercise components can be heeded as soon as possible.  I followed the Bradley diet for the last four months of my pregnancy and I had no complications or health issues to speak of (although I cannot be certain that my diet was a direct correlation); delivering a very healthy Kennedy eleven days late (I don't think she ever wanted to leave!).

During our last class, my husband received a card that deemed him an "Official Certified Bradley Coach."  He was incredibly proud of this card (especially because he sat through the entire course), and made sure EVERYONE knew that he was very prepared when it came to delivering Kennedy.  I pasted the card in Kennedy's baby book right next to her hospital bracelets.  One day I will have to tell her how every nurse, doctor, patient, and family member was informed "Don't worry, I've got this... I'm a Certified Bradley Coach."

Official Coach Card... Not Cameron's but you get the idea :)

Class Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: Varies depending on provider 
Where to Find: To find an instructor near you, please visit

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