Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kennedy's First Birthday

As I am beginning to plan Kennedy's second birthday, I started reminiscing on her first birthday which made me want to blog about it!  In college, I minored in Horticulture with an emphasis in Floral Design/Event Planning... my major was Psychology, obviously my career track was not well thought out, but that is a story for another day.  Anyway, my minor has actually become my passion in life and I worked as an event planner and florist in college and a few years thereafter.  Those who were close to me during my wedding planning process know that I was extremely meticulous about every detail and I treated Kennedy's first birthday party the same way.  Party planning is my favorite way to be creative and I hope you get inspiration from my ideas!

I started planning the party in February (her birthday isn't until June); my biggest piece of advice is never to procrastinate.  Crafts, phone calls, decisions, etcetera always take longer than expected and it is best to be calm and have fun with the process.  Procrastination leads to stress!

Alice in Wonderland is one of my all time favorite movies and because Kennedy didn't really have any preference in the matter, I decided it to be the theme.  And the Pin-teresting began!

First, I found the invitations that I liked (Etsy has some amazing printable packages) and went from there.  The invitations help to decide the exact color scheme and direction of the decorations.  The invitation should set the tone for the event; guests will assume the dress and imagine the decor from the style of the invitation.

Again, Etsy printable packages are great.  Printable packages, for those who don't know, usually include a custom invitation and an array of matching paper goods like banners, cupcake flags, straw flags, signs, quotes, and others.  The packages come to you in the form of PDF files so that you can print them yourself; which saves a lot of money and still looks professional!  My advice is to buy 100 weight+ cardstock and either print at home or take it to Kinko's.  If you bring your own paper to Kinko's it can save a lot of money.

You can pretty much rent and hire almost anything you can think of.  In my experience, people often forget about renting things that would be so useful at a party.  Things you can rent include: tables, chairs, Igloo coolers, fans, cups, plates, silverware, tablecloths, decorations, high chairs...really anything.  The average rental company will charge you under $15 to rent a table, under $5 for a basic wooden chair, and around $15 for a basic tablecloth.  I rented several high chairs for Kennedy's party and they were so helpful with little ones!

Think about matching everything to your theme... not just the decorations.  Think about translating the theme to the music, the food, the games, etcetera.  With the Alice theme, we decided to serve "Carrot" Chicken Salad Sandwiches (Chicken Salad in a carrot-shaped and colored croissant), "Magic Mushrooms" (Tomato Caprese), Mad Hatter Cookies, and Scones.

Always think of what would make your guests feel comfortable.  In having a first birthday party, we expected several guests that were around the same age.  I purchased Plum Organics pouches, Annie's Cheddar Bunnies (Kennedy's Favorite), made toddler-friendly sandwiches (Cream Cheese & Carrot), rented high chairs, and made each child's seat "baby proof" (i.e. Sippy Cup, paper plate, & place mat).  I also thought of the Moms & Dads and had Champagne Cocktails for all those of age.

One of my favorite touches that I add to every party is a sign-able photo book.  Before the party, I made a photo book on Shutterfly (if you haven't done this before, it is life-changing!  And only about $30-$40) and intentionally left several random pages blank.  Instead of having a traditional guest book, I had guests sign anywhere on the empty pages.  This makes for guest book that doesn't get lost in a closet somewhere!

Anyone who reads this in the baking industry may hate me for this tip, but cake prices are probably the thing that (in my opinion) varies most among different bakeries.  I definitely believe that there is a difference between cakes and bakers, but I have never truly had a bad cake.  It is sugar, flour, egg, and butter...how could it be bad?  Really do some research and you can find a small baker that will be very reasonable with pricing and you can get the cake of your dreams without blowing the budget (I only paid $150 for Kennedy's 3-tier cake).

I also made a slideshow of photos set to music that I played on one of our TVs during the party.  I set the slideshow on a loop so that everyone could see it.  It was a great touch, especially for family, and I now have the slideshow as a keepsake!

Take birthday photos before the party and have the theme incorporated into the photos.  Display the photos around the party in frames you have around your house.

Don't forget about the ceiling!  Hanging paper lanterns, pom poms, or flags from the ceiling helps to solidify your theme and create the mood.

A few more details:

  • I found cardboard cutouts of the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit, and Caterpillar and placed them throughout the house. 
  • I made arrow signs (like the ones the Cheshire Cat refers to) from card stock and glitter pens and placed these below the Cheshire Cat cutout.
  • Being a florist, I had to incorporate flowers into the event.  Of course, "Painting the Roses Red" was the most obvious way!  I bought red floral spray paint, white and red roses, some floral foam, and got to work.  I used 1/3 white roses, 1/3 "painted" white roses, and 1/3 red roses to make topiaries.  I used the rose leaves to fill in the space between roses and bought some sticks at Hobby Lobby to create the topiary look.
  • Colored paper straws in Izzy Soda with flags saying "Drink Me"
  • Paper Flags on toothpicks saying "Eat Me" were placed on sandwiches
  • I loaded my iPad with the soundtrack to the movie (available on Spotify!) and played it at the entrance to set the mood.
  • I played the movie on a loop in the living room as well

  • I made a sign (printed off line and blown up on a copier) saying "Down the Rabbit Hole," placed in a frame, and hung on the front door.
  • I found black and white check wrapping paper that I used as placemats, silver tray liners, and table runners.  Definitely best bang for the buck!
  • Alice in Wonderland's Mad Hatter Tea Party should be fancy and whimsical so I rented table cloths, vintage china, chairs, and silver trays.  I definitely think that the rental items are what made the party such a "wow".  Plus, there is not so much waste to the environment when you use re-usable items!


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Traveling Baby Part 2

I always get tons of questions about traveling with Kennedy and over the last 20 months, traveling with her has changed dramatically.  Because of this, I am going to break the post up by ages and method of transportation (car vs. plane) and give tips, tricks, and gadget recommendations along the way...enjoy!

Traveling with Baby Age Newborn to Crawling:

I found that traveling at this age is much, much, much easier than it is today.  Although at this age babies typically require more "gadgets," their lack of desire to move makes being on the move a little less challenging.

Traveling by Car:

When traveling by car, I feel like I am less restricted by space than I am on an airplane (suitcases can only hold so much!).  Here are the things that I typically carried at this age:

  • Inflatable Bath Tub (See Traveling Baby Part 1)- It is so much easier to bath a baby in a small tub.  Inflatable options are very portable and make life easier.
  • Baby Bjorn Travel Crib (See Traveling Baby Part 1)- Babies typically sleep better when they are in familiar surroundings.  If you can bring your own play pen or travel crib, it can make for an easier transition.
  • Sleep Sheep On-the-Go- Portable sound machine that comes in a cute little stuffed animal!
  • Folding Rocking Chair- I love to rock Kennedy before she goes to sleep (I don't rock her to sleep, but it is part of her "relaxing" nighttime routine).  You can buy a folding rocking chair (like a folding lawn chair) from Wal-Mart for $40 or so.  I bring it with me if I have room in the car!
  • Medela Microwave Sterilization Bags (see Nursing Essentials)- These bags are great for on the go cleaning of pacifiers, bottles, teething rings, etcetera.  Almost all hotels have a microwave in room, which makes this a great way to keep all the feeding accessories clean.
  • Englesina High Chair- Foldable and portable way to feed your baby in the hotel room (once they start eating solids).  Many hotels charge extra for delivering a high chair to the room, and many relatives don't have one!
  • If nursing and traveling with another adult who is driving, I usually pumped while we we drove and fed Kennedy a bottle of the expressed milk.  Afterward we would stop to burp her and change the diaper, but this saved a lot of time, especially on a 3 day road trip to Colorado when she was 3 weeks old (yes, I was that crazy!).
Traveling by Plane:

From Newborn to approximately 8 months, I never had much of an issue traveling by plane with Kennedy.  The loud humming sound of the plane engines coupled with the fact that she was inevitably going to miss a nap when on such a lengthy trip made her fall asleep almost instantly on this method of transportation.  My advice to new parents is to relish this time and travel as much as they desire before the baby starts really moving!

  • I always packed many of the things I traveled with by car excluding the travel crib and rocking chair.  
  • Bring your own sheets and blankets if using a hotel crib; it can make your baby feel more at home.
  • When traveling from the car to your gate, I always carried Kennedy in a baby carrier (Love my Ergobaby Carrier!).  At this age, it helped her to fall asleep and kept my hands free.  Strollers and car seats are free to check, and if your baby is in a carrier, security will let you go through without undoing the carrier.  If they are in a stroller, however, you have to take them out, fold the stroller, and send the stroller through the Xray machines... a challenging effort especially when traveling alone!  Bonus:  If you are nursing, you can nurse while they are in the carrier.
  • Nurse, offer a pacifier, or give a bottle upon take off and landing.  It helps to equalize the pressure in the child's ears.
  • Children under 2 years old can sit in the mother's lap for free and at this age, it is totally unnecessary to buy an extra ticket (especially if you have a family member with you).

Crawling to Toddlerhood:

I remember the exact trip where this transition took place and I became "that mom" on the airplane.  Kennedy was 8 months old and I was traveling from Houston to San Francisco solo, just me and the baby.  In her defense, our first leg was delayed and then canceled, making the day much longer, but we were luckily rebooked on a direct flight.  During this flight, I fought a screaming child that was kicking me and everyone around us for the entire duration of the 4 hour flight.  This trip felt like we were flying to Hong Kong, literally the longest 4 hours of my life.  After getting there, I realized that although she wasn't 2 yet, she was too old to be a lap baby.  I need a seat with a five point harness to restrain this crazy 8-month-old who was resembling a 2-year-old more everyday.  We survived the trip, and she started crawling that evening in the hotel room.

Traveling by Car:
  • I know it isn't recommended by the APA, but TVs are a moms best friend when it comes to travel.  It isn't fool proof... they don't necessarily zone out completely without a peep, but it makes the ride much more tolerable (especially if your child doesn't sleep in the car like mine!).  You can buy a mount for an iPad for $20, which can save you a fortune in sanity.
  • Put toys or snacks in the front seat and hand them to your child as they get bored.
  • Try to plan travel around your nap schedule.  If your child is still taking two naps, travel after the first so that they at least get one nap.  If they are only taking one nap, try to travel after the nap.
  • I still bring almost all of the same things as I did in infancy minus the inflatable bath tub.  Now I have to bring a lot more toys though!
Traveling by Plane:
  • Although it is bit of a pain, I recommend traveling with your child in a carseat.  At this age, it is really difficult to hold a child still for any length of time, so having them in a 5 point harness definitely helps.  The carseat is the most secure way to keep your child still and safe in the plane.  One tip:  If you don't want to pay for a seat for your child under 2 years old, if there are still seats empty on the plane, the airline will try to seat you in a spot with an empty seat next to you.  They cannot guarantee the seat's availability, but they do try to work with you!
  • To get said carseat from car to gate, I recommend buying a Go Go Babyz Travelmate.  It is the best universal seat "stroller" I have come across to date.  It is reasonably easy to attach (although I wish it were a tad bit easier) and works very well.  I will have to say that the axle bent on my last trip through Denver Airport and I had to order a replacement; which is a definite negative, however the company sent me a new one at no charge because it was still under warranty (definite gold star for customer service!).
  • Once your child gets a bit bigger (and won't wiggle out of the seat without the 5th point harness), I would try a KidCares Safety Harness.  It has a belt around the chest and lap of the child, but I have heard mixed reviews from moms with smaller children.  It is something I am very interested in trying, but just haven't yet!
  • Bring lots of new toys and plenty of snacks.  Seems intuitive, but it definitely helps.  
  • Load new games and favorite movies on an iPad.  
  • Changing diapers on a plane is difficult, so try plan changes before and after the trip.

Other interesting or non-interesting gadgets for travel:

Flyebaby Hammock- I haven't used this and Kennedy is too big for it now, but it looks like a very interesting invention to keep mom's hands free during flight.  I found that at this age, they really like to fall asleep on the plane, so the child may or may not be comfortable in this/may be more comfy being held.  ($49.95 on Amazon)

Baby B'Air Flight Vest- I purchased this thinking that it may be a good way to keep Kennedy more "contained" while lap sitting.  I tried using it, and it was pretty much worthless.  Definitely save your money on this contraption.

Snack & Play Travel Tray- Just now remembering that I have wanted to purchase this for a few months!  Looks like a great way to keep kids entertained and keep all of their stuff close at hand.  Will let you know how I like it! (19.95 on Diapers.com)

Product Pictures from Above:

iPad Headrest Mount- A lifesaver for long rides with a toddler.  Totally un-crunchy and I know kids under 2 aren't supposed to have screen time, but sometimes, it is necessary.  ($15.99-$39.99)

Go Go Babyz Travelmate
Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛
Price: $84.99
Where to Find: From Diapers.com and other online retailers

CARES Child Airplane Harness
Product Rating:  Haven't Tried Yet!
Price: $74.99
Where to Find: From Amazon.com, Diapers.com, and other online retailers

ErgoBaby Carrier
Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛
Price: $99.99
Where to Find: From Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, Diapers.com, and other baby retailers