Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Favorite High Chair

High chairs, strollers, and car seats are the three big ticket items that every new mom *hopes* to receive off her registry.  Buy Buy Baby has exactly 119 different high chairs available for purchase online (if I just counted correctly).  When browsing for a high chair, I had a few requirements:
  1. It must be easy to clean.  Babies make messes when eating, and I wanted a chair that didn't require my use of a toothbrush to clean it.
  2. It should, of course, be functional; fitting babies from 5 months until the child can sit in a regular seat.  
  3. It should be reasonably stylish.  A high chair will be sitting at my table for at least another year and a half, so I would like it to be aesthetically pleasing!
  4. It should be made of baby safe materials.  As always, I am very conscious of this subject!
I found a few different options meeting my criteria, and originally registered for the Stokke Tripp Trapp High chair.  Stokke is a Norwegian company and is known for producing high quality Eco-Friendly products.  The Tripp Trapp is an all wooden high chair with an adjustable seat and foot rest, making the chair suitable from 5 months to adult.  The only problem is that the chair alone is priced at $249 and in order to make it functional, you must also purchase a "Baby Set" and a tray ($70 for set, $50 for tray).  

I was in Aspen a few months before Kennedy was due to arrive and spoke with Michelle, owner of (the best!) children's store in the area "Twinkle,"about the subject.  She suggested that I look into the Keekaroo Height Right High Chair and I am so glad she did!  The Keekaroo chair looks and functions almost identical to the Stokke, comes with a tray and *removable* booster seat, and is made in the USA.  The company is also very committed to making safe products for baby and the environment.  All of these items already made the choice to buy a Keekaroo a better one, however, the price made it a slam dunk (see below for price)!

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $189 with booster seat, $149 without booster insert.
Eco Option?: Made from Wood and BPA Free Plastic
Where to Find: From Buy Buy Baby,, and many online retailers.
Note: I found the chair from the manufacturer for $189, however it is listed at $199 from BuyBuyBaby.  Just a helpful tip!

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Doula/Birth Story

(I'm not sure that this arrow is pointing at anything, but I am definitely glad I hired a doula!)

I found out yesterday that this week is World Doula Week which made for a very appropriate time to rave about doulas!  A doula "is a non medical person who assists a woman before, during, or after childbirth, as well as her partner and/or family by providing information, physical assistance, and emotional support" (Wikipedia).   I cannot say enough about how much hiring a doula made the entire process of pregnancy through the first few weeks of Kennedy's life immensely less stressful.  Before I go into too much detail, I would like to start at the beginning of my journey.

If you know me, you know that I am a very detailed over-planner by nature.  My life consists of checklists and I become giddy with the idea of crossing every to-do item off of my never ending list.  As a side note, I actually planned my wedding so meticulously that I was somewhat bored the week before because everything had been done (if this was Twitter I would hashtag, #typeAproblems).  Baby planning obviously followed suit with the rest of my life; I joined before I even broke the news to my husband (just kidding, but it was close).  After logging in, a baby planning checklist arose on the top right hand corner!  I was thrilled that I could neatly organize the tasks that needed to be accomplished over the next 35 weeks.  Every week, new tasks popped up on my screen and I checked them off one by one.  Around week sixteen, it was suggested that I interview and hire a Doula.  Unfamiliar with the term,  I decided to do some Google research (another one of my specialties).  While learning more about Doulas, I simultaneously became intrigued with the idea of natural birth (birth without pain medicine, Pitocin, or other labor augmenting procedures).  I watched "The Business of Being Born" produced by Ricky Lake (a must see!), spoke with an old friend about the subject, and really felt that this was the right course for myself and Kennedy.  Doulas are not limited to helping women choosing natural birth, but they are widely regarded as essential for those who are planning to take this path (in my opinion, they are essential for all women in labor).  I decided to complete the task at hand via my handy Bump Checklist, and began to interview Doulas.

I met with several different women and chose Nina Bassett of Bassett Baby Planning.  I hired Nina because she has a passion for her work that truly resonates.  Nicknamed "The Baby Chick," Nina is a Baby Planner, Massage Therapist, and of course a birth/postpartum Doula.  She helped me during pregnancy by finding childbirth education classes (A Bradley Class that I will rave about in another post!), maternity photographers, and offered product recommendations.

On June 4 (Nine days past my due date...a slight eternity at this stage of pregnancy), I decided to exhaust all of my natural resources to evict Kennedy ASAP.  Nina gave me a labor inducing massage, I took primrose oil, walked miles around the mall, drank raspberry tea, ate jalapeƱos, and ultimately drank castor oil (I do not recommend this! So gross!).  One of these methods worked because I started having contractions around 12am on June 5.  By Five a.m. the contractions were not overly painful, but were very close together (2 minutes apart).  I decided to call Nina and our families to let them know that today would be the day...or so I thought!  We arrived at the hospital around 7am and were admitted, although I was not as close to meeting Kennedy as I had hoped.  By noon, much to my dismay, my Midwife suggested that we begin an IV of Pitocin due to the slow progression of my labor.  Research suggests that one labor intervention typically begets another, which I fell statistic to and had an epidural around 6pm.  I could go into all of the details, however, I was in labor for 26.5 hours, making it a very long story, and one that I could not imagine without the help of my doula!  Nina helped me through the intense contractions by her wonderful massage techniques and reminded me of all the things I learned in my Bradley Classes.  She helped me greatly but I believe her biggest proponent would be my husband, whom she coached through providing support on this very long and grueling day(s).  She was incredibly knowledgeable, took photos of the birth, and recorded all details as a keepsake.

Three weeks after birth, Nina came to my house for a postpartum visit.  During her stay, she helped me with breastfeeding, infant massage, answered questions about newborn care, and helped with chores around the house.  It couldn't have been more appreciated at a time when I was intensely sleep deprived and often felt clueless!

Everyone I know who hired a doula felt that it was absolutely money well spent.  Although I fell short of my birth goals and veered from my plan, I felt informed in my decisions (thanks to Nina), and at the end of the day I am simply very happy that my beautiful healthy daughter is here.  Bottom line is hire a doula, you won't regret it!

Service Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: Varies greatly depending on provider and level of service; Doula Service may also be partially or fully reimbursable from your insurance company with documentation 
Where to Find: To find a doula near you, please visit

If you live in the Houston area, please check out:

Photo of the Flowers in my room courtesy of Nina Bassett!  
Another recommendation if you live in the Houston area: John Freedman has the BEST flowers!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bottles, Burps, & Sippy Cups!

Major baby item retailers devote entire aisles to bottles and "sippy" cups.  B.K. (Before Kennedy), I could count on one hand how many times I had visited a Babies R Us, which made this decision all the more overwhelming.  I made a few purchases that I regret before finally finding the two items below.    I hope that this information can save you a little bit of headache when weeding through the plethora of choices available to moms!

Dr. Brown's Glass Baby Bottles

Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles contain a patented vent system that allows for air to travel to the bottom of the bottle, never mixing with the breast milk or formula.  Less air equals less instances of colic, gas, spit-up, and helps to maintain the quality of essential nutrients.  I recommend purchasing glass bottles over plastic simply because there is no question when it comes to the safety of glass.  Plastic begins to break down when filled with hot or warm liquid, causing the chemicals contained in the material to leech into whatever the bottle (or cup) is filled with.  Recently, a federal bill was instated requiring all baby feeding products be BPA(Bisphenol A, a hazardous chemical) Free, in which almost all major companies have complied.  However, this new plastic has not been tested with the same rigor to date, leaving many to question whether another hazardous chemical will be found later.  On an environmental note, glass is friendly because it is easier to recycle.  If you purchase Dr. Brown's glass bottles, I would highly recommend also purchasing the silicone sleeve to match.  The sleeve will help prevent the bottle from breaking and reduce the amount of heat transfer.  

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $6.99 for Sleeves, $14.99 for set of 2 Bottles
Eco Option?: Made from Glass, Silicone, and a small amount of BPA Free Plastic
Where to Find: From Buy Buy Baby, Babies R Us, and many online retailers.

The Safe Sippy

Plastic sippy cups should pose the same dilemmas bottles, however, because glass is obviously breakable, I would recommend purchasing a stainless steel option.  

I love the Safe Sippy because:
  1. It has handles.  Kennedy has been able to grasp the cup herself from the first time I introduced it (6 months).  
  2. It has an internal straw.  The straw allows for baby to use while in upright position, making it a little easier to learn!
  3. It comes with a silicone sleeve.  The silicone sleeve protects the cup when dropped and baby's hands when the beverage is cold!
Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $14.99 each
Eco Option?: Made from Stainless Steel, Silicone, and a small amount of BPA Free Plastic
Where to Find: From Buy Buy Baby, and many online retailers.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Baby Gym

A good activity gym can be a sanity saver for a new mom.  Until Kennedy began rolling over, crawling, and making a bee line for the dog water bowl, I used her Skip Hop Activity Gym whenever I needed two free hands!  This activity gym kept Kennedy occupied while I took a shower every morning.  Skip Hop offers three different models, all consisting of a play mat and five toys hanging from dual arches.  The mat is very simple to assemble and disassemble (for storage or travel) and is also machine washable.  Activity gyms are not only great for mom, they are also wonderful at developing baby's senses and motor skills.  Skip Hop activity gyms contain many different textures, a mirror, toys that make a (slight!) noise, and a tummy time pillow.  After your child gets a little older, you can remove the arches for a wonderful play mat!

A quick note about the brand:  I believe that one of my dogs *misplaced* the removable mirror to the Skip Hop Gym about a month ago.  I contacted the company, asked to buy a replacement, and they responded promptly by sending me a new mirror for free (not even a shipping charge!).  Their exemplary customer service along with the superior quality of products is why I will be a devotee of this brand for life!

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $75
Eco Option?: Made from all baby safe materials
Where to Find: From Buy Buy Baby, Pottery Barn Kids, and many online retailers

Kennedy in her Gym!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bathing Beauty

There are few things better than a baby fresh from the bath.  Chubby rolls wrapped in a hooded towel absolutely melt my heart!  Below you will find reviews on an bath product line and a baby tub.

Noodle & Boo Baby

Is obsessed too strong of a word?  From their Newborn 2-in-1 wash to Super Soft Lotion and even a reed diffuser, these products are nothing short of amazing.  The smell is as close to heavenly as you can get; this is exactly how you would want your baby to smell.  I have not found a product in this line that I do not absolutely adore, including their disposable wipes when I am on the go (best disposable wipes, hands down).  The products contain all natural and gentle ingredients and are formulated in compliance with the European Union standards, which are the most stringent in the world.  Celebrity moms including Gwyneth Paltrow, Kourtney Kardashian, Liv Tyler, and Celine Dion are also devotees of their products.  As a side note, my husband loves these products so much that I purchased him some so that he would stop stealing Kennedy's!

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $12-$16, depending on product
Eco Option?: Made from Natural and Gentle Ingredients
Where to Find: From Neiman Marcus; to find other retailers please visit

Primo Eurobath

I purchased the Eurobath after Kennedy outgrew her Puj Sink Bathtub; however this bathtub is suitable from birth.  The Eurobath features a contoured side to keep younger babies in a reclined and stable position.  This contoured side also puts baby in the perfect position to rinse hair without getting soap in their eyes (even at nine months, Kennedy is still fits in this side so that I may take advantage of this feature).  The Eurobath is the largest baby tub available on the market; fitting children up to two years.  The tub fits perfectly inside a regular size tub or shower.  I would say that the biggest positive and negative about the product is its size, you will need ample room to store the product if the bathroom is shared.  

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $29
Eco Option?: BPA Free, Phthalate Free, and Lead Free
Where to Find: Babies 'R' Us, Buy Buy Baby, and many other retailers

Monday, March 18, 2013

The 411 on Cloth Diapering

My interest in cloth diapering began with Horticulture 201 and Dr. David Reed, one of my all time favorite professors at Texas A&M University.  After taking this class I actually switched my minor from Spanish to Horticulture (Psychology was my major...not sure what I was thinking when picking these specialities... plant therapy?).  During one class, Dr. Reed remarked on the astonishing amount of land that we have filled with disposable diapers (the average child uses 7000 diapers from birth through potty training); He stated "we have taken the most natural waste in the world (bodily waste), and wrapped it in plastic and chemicals, making it virtually impossible to break down."  This comment really resonated with me and I always assumed that I would do my part to help by cloth diapering.

During my pregnancy, I did a lot of research on the subject and I learned that the health reasons for using cloth are immensely more compelling than the environmental.  I do not want to go off on a rant (I would like to keep this blog as light as possible!), however, if you want to learn more about the benefits of cloth diapering, check out these websites:

As a new mom-to-be who knew nothing about diapering in general, and even less about cloth diapering, I decided to reach out to Megan, the owner of Colorado Baby, to learn more about cloth!  She was incredibly helpful and an invaluable resource!

Here is what I have learned:

You will need at least 18 cloth diapers (Two days worth of diapers... one day for wearing while the previous day is washing).  Almost all cloth diapers come ready to fit babies 10 to 35 pounds (what to do before 10 pounds?  See Newborn Diapers Below!). I use BumGenius Elemental All-In-One diapers.  I absolutely love this product; they have great absorbency, are easy to use, and are made from organic cotton. There are many fashions of cloth diapers, I prefer All-In-Ones due to their simplicity.  When choosing any diaper, I would stray away from Velcro closures as they wear out easily.  One last thing to note: 100% cloth diaper liners will take longer to dry, but they will resist stains and smells more readily!
I started my cloth diapering adventure by using disposable wipes with Kennedy.  After about two months, I realized that cloth wipes would be so much simpler!  Instead of trying to find a trash can for the wipes and using a wet bag for the diaper, I can simply throw all materials into the wet bag.  They are also much more absorbent than disposable wipes.  If you decide to cloth diaper, I highly recommend using ALL reusable/washable products (it will make your experience so much easier!).
Bottom Cleaner: 
If you are using cloth wipes, you will need a spray to wet baby's bottom with before wiping.  You can a fill a small spray bottle with water or purchase a bottom cleaner spray.  I personally use BumGenius Bottom Cleaner; it is 100% Natural and is great for use on sensitive baby skin.  It is a great product!
Wet Bags: 
Wet bags are another necessity to make your cloth diapering experience super simple. I suggest purchasing two large and two small wet bags.  Large wet bags are perfect for use in your nursery, while small wet bags are great for diapering on-the-go.   When washing the previous day's diapers, empty your large wet bag into the machine, throw in the bag, and wash!  Having a second wet bag allows you to have a spare while washing.
Diaper Pail: 
While cloth diapering, there is no need for a commercial "diaper pail."  In my experience, cloth diapers do not resonate the smell that disposables do.  I purchased a tall kitchen trash can from Target and I place a clean large wet bag inside daily.  My "pail" has a lid, however, this is not necessary.  Do not place water in the diaper pail, a dry pail is best!
It is VERY important to use a cloth diaper detergent!  I learned this lesson the hard way.  Not using a proper detergent can cause rashes and ruin the absorbency of the diapers.  I use Nellie's All Natural Laundry Soda and love it.  Cloth diaper laundry detergent is not readily available in stores, so buy from (they have free shipping!).  For a list of Cloth Diaper approved detergents go to:
Stripping Diapers: 
If you *accidentally* use a commercial detergent on your diapers or they begin to loose absorbency, you may need to "strip" your diapers.  Each diaper manufacturer recommends a certain way to do this properly, so visit their website to learn more.  BumGenius Diapers can be stripped by placing a teaspoon of blue Dawn dishwashing soap in a hot water machine wash cycle, followed by two hot washes without soap.

Put cloth diapers in the sun to dry!  It does wonders for getting rid of any stubborn stains!
Rash Cream: 
When cloth diapering, you can only use rash cream which is specially formulated to be safe on cloth.  I recommend Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm, it works amazingly and is also free of any harmful chemicals.
Diaper Sprayer: 
Purchasing a diaper sprayer is a must to help with messy diapers.  This item will attach to your toilet and deliver a high powered spray to wash away all the dirty into the toilet (not for those with a weak stomach!).  I recommend BumGenius Diaper Sprayer (available at Buy Buy Baby, and many online retailers).

Newborn Diapers:
Because most One Size Fits All, start at 10 pounds, you will most likely need to purchase newborn size cloth diapers.  I used BumGenius Newborn Diapers (these are much less expensive than Elemental All-In-Ones, making it easier to justify the extra expense).  

I hope this post helps make your cloth diapering experience simple and stress free!  I truly have found the experience to be painless and am extremely happy with my decision to go cloth.  If you have any questions about cloth diapering please comment below!

BumGenius Elemental Cloth Diaper
Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $24.95 
Eco Option?: Made of Organic Cotton
Where to Find: From Colorado Baby, Cotton Babies, and other online retailers

BumGenius Bottom Cleaner
Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $8-10, depending on retailer
Eco Option?: 100% Natural Ingredients
Where to Find: From Colorado Baby, Cotton Babies, and other online retailers
Nellie's All Natural Laundry Soda
Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $16
Eco Option?: All Natural Ingredients
Where to Find: From Cotton Babies, and other online retailers
Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm
Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $14
Eco Option?: Zero Toxins and Zinc Free
Where to Find: From Colorado Baby, Cotton Babies, and other online retailers

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Traveling Baby

Between family in Poolville, Waxahachie, Snowmass (Colorado), and Cameron's (my husband) work schedule, Kennedy has travelled a lot for a 9 month old.  Traveling with a baby is worse than moving.  There are so many items that you have to take, and other luxuries that you must leave behind.  Every time that we visit relatives or go on vacation, we realize that we are missing something that would make our lives easier.  I have found several products that are not bulky and can easily be packed; making you feel more at home when on the road!

Product 1: The Inglesina Fast Table Chair

I just purchased this item about two weeks ago and am already in love!  It is very sturdy, easy to use, fits almost any table, and is very light (weighs 4.2pounds) and compact.  It also puts Kennedy right at the table with us, which is fun.  I have actually begun to take this product into restaurants with me as an alternative to using a dirty commercial high chair.  Love love love it!

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $59.00
Eco Option?: Not Currently
Where to Find: From Buy Buy Baby, many boutique baby stores, and online retailers

Product 2: Baby Bjorn Travel Crib

I purchased this travel crib prior to Kennedy's birth in lieu of a playpen.  It actually looks just like a play pin, but it is lighter weight (only 11 pounds), and folds to a compact size very easily.  It is a little on the expensive side, however, it is made solely of materials that have been rigorously tested to ensure that they are not hazardous to human health (which is always more expensive for some reason!).  The sheet is also 100% organic cotton.  I love that the mattress is well padded and seems to be comfortable for Kennedy.  

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛
Price: $279 plus approximately $42 for the sheet
Eco Option?: All options are from baby safe materials
Where to Find: From Buy Buy Baby, many boutique baby stores, and online retailers

Product 3: Munchkin Inflatable Duck Tub

Once Kennedy became too big for her Puj Baby Bathtub (which was very easy to pack, but only fit her until she was approximately 13 pounds), I was very perplexed about how to give her a bath when we were on the go.  She wasn't big enough to sit in the large tub alone, but there was no way we were taking her Primo Eurobath plastic bathtub in our luggage.  I picked up this product at Babies R Us on our way to the airport and it has been a great help.  The back is high enough to support a baby who is not sitting up well unassisted yet, and the design is really cute.  

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛
Price: $14
Eco Option?: Not Currently
Where to Find: From Babies R Us, Target, and many online retailers

Kennedy in Colorado, July 4, 2012

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Snotsucker

The Snotsucker or Nosefrida by Fridababy was the baby gadget that started my intrigue with baby gadgets.  The simplest inventions are always the best.  If you have tried to use a bulb aspirator, it is a wonder how anyone has ever helped a stuffy nosed baby with it.  They are terrible!  I found the "Snotsucker" in a cloth diaper store in Grand Junction, Colorado called "Colorado Baby" (one of my favorite stores ever!).  They are now sold in Buy Buy Baby stores nationally, many boutique baby stores, and online.

The concept is not for those with a weak stomach.  You place a tube right on the edge of your baby's nose and place a mouthpiece in your mouth.  You probably get the idea by now, however, there is a hygienic filter between the nose piece and mouthpiece.  So rest assured that it is really a lot less disgusting than it looks.

This product has been an absolute necessity the few times Kennedy has been sick.  I would also recommend purchasing saline solution to use in baby's nose beforehand.  It clears her sinuses, is made of BPA-Free materials, and is doctor recommended.  I couldn't ask for much more!

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $15-$18, depending on retailer
Eco Option?: The product is made of BPA and Phthalate Free materials
Where to Find: From Buy Buy Baby, many boutique baby stores, and online retailers

Also check out Colorado Baby:

How to: (Easily) Change a Diaper

I have to start my blogging reviews with my most favorite baby gadget I have found yet... The Hulabye.  A Hulabye is a super soft vest that attaches to any contoured changing pad to prevent your child from rolling around during diaper changes.  If I encountered this product a few months ago, I would have likely deemed it unnecessary and passed on the $35-$45 purchase.  However, once your baby becomes even slightly mobile, this product is a lifesaver.  

Kennedy was a little of a late bloomer where rolling over was concerned, but about 10 weeks ago, she decided it was the COOLEST thing ever...making diaper changes virtually impossible.  I actually began changing her on the floor, using my feet to hold her arms still, while I changed her diaper.  I also got a very strange look when telling our babysitter that this was a necessary way to get the job done (she understood once she set out on the endeavor solo!).  I knew that there had to be a better way.  So I googled something like "baby squirming on changing table" and this website came up.  I saw the item, ordered immediately, and it has been all that I hoped for and more!  It is very comfortable for Kennedy and super easy to put on.  I originally bought the Hulabye to help me simply keep her still while changing her, however, I have really come to realize that it is a matter of safety as well.  Wiggly babies on the changing table can be very dangerous, and although you should never leave your child alone on the table, this makes me feel as though she could not spontaneously learn to jump, hop, or leap off the changer (I was not so sure before)!  

While raving about this product to my mom and grandmother, my mom commented (via group iPhone grandmother is super cool!) "They should make those for adults!"

My grandmother replied "They do... they are called Straight Jackets."

Product Rating: ♛♛♛♛♛
Price: $35-$45
Eco Option?: The product is made of fleece material and velcro, but they do not have an organic material at the moment
Where to Find: From the Company Website (listed below!)

Below is a picture of a Hulabye baby model:

To Blog or Not to Blog?

I am starting this blog with some hesitancy.  I have considered starting a blog many times in the past but stopped myself as soon as I thought about the time that it would drain from my already hectic schedule. When I woke up this morning, I realized that I absolutely love sharing all of the great baby gadgets that I encounter.  One thing I definitely did not realize before becoming pregnant was that there are about as many different choices of pacifiers in this world as there are children.  This statement does not only apply to pacifiers... unfortunately it applies to about every baby necessity under the sun.  This is crazy making for new moms because you realize that not just ANY pacifier is a good pacifier.  All of the sudden you are forced to decide what type of parent you will be... are you going to breastfeed?  Are you concerned with environmental toxins? How concerned are you about these toxins? Are you going to use a pacifier at all?  How much am I willing to spend for a pacifier?  Should I go with an orthodontic pacifier?

After you do extensive research on pacifiers, you realize that there are only a few of the seemingly MILLIONS that are any good.  You decide on a Natursutten Rounded Rubber Pacifier and wonder "Why am I buying a pacifier made in Denmark?  Haven't Americans figured out that plastic is bad for babies!"  The next day you wake up and start all over again with the next product on your list.  Bottles...should I go with glass or plastic?  Or stainless steel?!

I have decided that I am a very heavily leaning Eco-friendly mom with many exceptions daily (I drive an SUV... there is no way my rear facing Clek Foonf and Bugaboo Donkey would fit in a Hybrid Honda).  I have many favorite products to make everyone's life a little easier, organic baby food recipes, and tips that I will be sharing daily (or as often as my aforementioned hectic schedule permits)!